This module aims to introduce people to Mind Inclusion and its methodology, what has already been done in Mind Inclusion 2.0 and the impact it has had.

What is Mind Inclusion?

People with intellectual disabilities and/or cognitive impairment often experience difficulties and psychological barriers in accessing public places. The Mind Inclusion facilitation methodology, originating from the previous version of the project: Mind Inclusion 2.0, aimed to promote and foster the social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in their community.

Origins with version 2.0 and the current 3.0

Often public establishments such as bars, shops, supermarkets… are not designed for people with disabilities. Mind Inclusion provides for this kind of care and inclusiveness.

What is the methodology/approach of mind inclusion?

Following a participatory approach permit to identify the real needs of people with intellectual disabilities when it comes to social inclusion. Considering the environment and the community for this social inclusion.

What effects/impacts the Mind Inclusion methodology has?

The Mind Inclusion APP piloted between 2020 and 2022 enabled people with intellectual disabilities to search for places and activities in their community. It also allows places of business to know the degree of cognitive accessibility of their location and gives them the opportunity to improve it.

Mind Inclusion 2.0

The origin and evolution of the Mind Inclusion initiative.

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