
Mind Inclusion 3.0

The Online Learning Center for social professionals

About the OLC platform

The Online Learning Centre (OLC) is a digital platform where social professionals (e.g. social educators, social workers, social assistants) can find learning opportunities for more strategies, tools and practical and theoretical knowledge to promote social inclusion and participation of people with intellectual disabilities.

The OLC aims, therefore, to create a European community of practice on Mind Inclusion methodology and the concepts of cognitive accessibility, community inclusion and intellectual (and not only physical) disabilities. To do this, OLC offers online training contents and the possibility to exchange good practices through a forum, which is also useful to share difficulties and obstacles in daily work.


The OLC platform is aimed at social professionals, such as educators, operators, social workers, who work in the field of disabilities, especially intellectual and cognitive disabilities, and want to learn new concepts on social inclusion, technology and disability, and working with families.

In addition, it is a useful tool to connect professionals through a forum.

The platform is also available for all those social work professionals who want to acquire more skills and knowledge with respect to these issues, or to join the network of professionals with whom they can exchange ideas.


The OLC aims to be an educational tool to:

  1. train social professionals on new methodologies/approaches to social inclusion for people with intellectual disabilities;
  2. allow the exchange of experiences (through a forum) between social professionals and the creation of new knowledge around MI methodology and social inclusion (community of practice);
  3. reflect on how to create inclusive environments and help improve the competences of people with disabilities (self-efficacy, autonomy, self-confidence);
  4. consider the role of the educator as a facilitator of inclusion processes, also outside social services.

Online materials

APP Mind Inclusion

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The European Commission support for the production of this website does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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