The module wants to explain how to support family members of people with intellectual disabilities in the Mind Inclusion methodology. Mind Inclusion, in fact, besides being a method, has a tool, an app. Many times families of people with intellectual disabilities are afraid to face their children with disabilities because they are unprepared. Anyway, digital and technology are part of our everyday life, even for people with disabilities, which is why Mind Inclusion wants to help make them more autonomous and self-determined. The module, therefore, addresses the Mind Inclusion methodology dealing with relevant aspects for the family, the risks and opportunities that can be faced, and how to protect people with disabilities with practical aspects such as parental control.

Mind Inclusion methodology: support and structure for families of people with intellectual disabilities

The paragraph explains how to involve family members of people with intellectual disabilities within the Mind Inclusion methodology. While the methodology is designed for people with intellectual disabilities, it also aims to provide guidance for supporting family members, outlining the various phases that may be useful in their involvement.

People with intellectual disabilities: autonomy and self-determination

The paragraph explains how the Mind Inclusion methodology aims to help to improve autonomy and self-determination of people with intellectual disabilities, one of the main goals of this method and approach. Therefore, these two concepts are theoretically explained by discussing various theories to provide a precise overview of them.

Digital technology: risks and opportunities

The paragraph outlines the risks that people with disabilities may face while using digital and technological tools. At the same time, it addresses the opportunities that are often overlooked by focusing solely on the negative aspects. It is indeed important to be aware of the risks, but also to be open to the opportunities that people with disabilities can have if supported in the use of digital and technological tools.

What instruments to support families?

The paragraph outlines the concrete tools that families can use to enable the use of digital and technological tools for people with disabilities but with greater security. This can be useful for professionals working with families to introduce the topic and develop a support plan for this issue. Much of the paragraph will focus on parental control, providing specific information.

What do families bring back?

The paragraph presents testimonials from some family members regarding the Mind Inclusion methodology.

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