The module wants to explain how to use the app Mind Inclusion. In fact, the project aims to create an application for intellectually disabled people. It wants to support people in accessing public places. It promotes social inclusion, equity and accessibility. In this paper you can read the principal purpose of the application that  is to search for a location or an activity. In this guide, we will explain to you the main features of the application, what are the filters, what is a review and how you can leave one, how to register in the application and how to install the app.

The main features of the application

The paragraph explains the main features of the application. It guides you to the choice of what you want to do on the homepage. It explains what are categories, filters and reviews and how to approach them.

An overview of the app

The paragraph explains how to look for a location/activity, how to contact a location/activity organizer. It explores the information of the selected location/event and explains how to sign in and sign up and how to add a review.

Focus on Business User

The paragraph’s focus is the figure of the business user. In particular, this paragraph wants to explain what is a business user, how to become a business user and the main features of the Profile app for every person who logs in as a business user.  It also explains how to add a location or an event.

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